Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “bounded context”
Bounded Context
What is a bounded context? Bounded contexts are one of the key concepts in Domain-Driven Design, and event storming is a useful technique for identifying and defining bounded contexts.
Consider a fictional e-commerce website that sells clothing. One possible bounded context within this domain might be “Order Management.” This bounded context would be responsible for managing the process of creating and fulfilling customer orders.
Within the Order Management bounded context, there might be a set of domain events, such as “Order Placed,” “Payment Received,” and “Order Shipped.
Event Storming
What is Event Storming? Event storming is a collaborative modeling technique used in domain-driven design (DDD) to explore and understand complex business domains. It involves bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, including developers, domain experts, and business analysts, to collaborate on the creation of a visual representation of a business process or system.
In event storming, the participants work together to identify events that occur within the system or process, and then organize these events into a timeline that represents the flow of actions and outcomes.